376 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike, P.O. Box 316, Bridgehampton, NY 11932


Q&A with Featured Artist Chelsea Browne

If you’ve visited the Museum recently, you’ve undoubtedly admired the vibrant installation adorning our lobby windows. The colorful art is the work of recent transplant Chelsea Browne. She was kind enough to answer some of our questions about her connection to the East End, advice for kids who think they’re not good at art, and an artist she particularly admires.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background? How are you connected with the East End?

I live in Sag Harbor and babysit in Bridgehampton. I moved to the East End from NYC in March, it was pandemic influenced decision. I was introduced to Sag Harbor through art friends in 2015 and immediately felt a spiritual connection to the town. I am very glad I’m here and find inspiration through the creative community, natural beauty and farming history. 

How would you describe your art (which we just LOVE, by the way)?

Evolving 🙂

Do you ever suffer from “artist’s block”? If so, how do you overcome it?

No. I suffer though!

What would say to a kid who thinks they’re not good at art?

I would try to explain that art has a very wide definition and point out a specific way they actual ARE good at art they may not have thought was art.

Is there any one artist whose work your particularly admire? What do you like so much about it?

Ugo Rondinone’s art always makes me smile and I like to smile. He also rocks the art in the realm of the public space and I passionately believe everyone should have access to great art and shared spaces.

You can check out more of Chelsea’s incredibly intricate work here.

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