Cmee is Closed Today

9:30 AM — 11:00 AM

Field Trips

The Children’s Museum of the East End (CMEE) provides the ideal environment for using play to learn science, language arts, social studies and the arts, as well as the importance of community.

Designed to meet NY State Learning Standards and Common Core for grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade, CMEE’s school programs can be adapted to meet the specific needs of students and teachers.

Fees & Confirmation Materials

School visits are $7 per child and there is no fee for instructors or chaperones. Passes or memberships of any kind are not accepted as entrance admission fees for group visits. Thanks to funding from the New York State Council for the Arts, CMEE is able to provide several free programs for schools. Please email for details.

Teachers receive a confirmation of their program via email.

Scheduling a Museum Field Trip

School visits typically take place on Thursdays at 10-11:30am. CMEE can accommodate schools with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50 students at one time. Teachers should book a minimum of two weeks in advance to secure their desired date and time.

CMEE’s school programs are flexible, however. If you wish to schedule a field trip for students on a day other than Thursday or if your group is lower than the minimum or exceeds the maximum of students, please call CMEE’s Education Coordinator at (631) 537-8250 to make arrangements.